The Mary Celeste - The Legend of an Abandoned Ship
One of the most famous and simultaneously puzzling events in maritime history: the mystery of the Mary Celeste.
This ship was found abandoned on the high seas in 1872, and to this day, numerous speculations revolve around the fate of its crew. Let's dive into the history of the Mary Celeste together and explore her secrets.
The Background Story of the Mary Celeste
The Ship and Its Crew
The Mary Celeste was a merchant ship, built in 1861 in Nova Scotia, Canada. She was 31 meters long and had a tonnage of 282 tons. In 1872, she set out on her last journey from New York to Genoa, Italy.
On board were Captain Benjamin Briggs, his family, and a seven-man crew. The cargo consisted mainly of flammable alcohol used for the production of industrial paints.
The Mysterious Discovery of the Mary Celeste
On December 5, 1872, the Mary Celeste was discovered halfway between the Azores and the coast of Portugal by the British ship Dei Gratia. To their surprise, the sailors of the Dei Gratia found the Mary Celeste abandoned.
The ship was in good condition, and the cargo was intact. There were no signs of violence or struggle, yet the crew and the captain's family had vanished without a trace. Even the lifeboat was missing. What had happened to the crew of the Mary Celeste?
Theories and Speculations About the Fate of the Mary Celeste
Piracy and Mutiny
One of the most common theories explaining the mystery of the Mary Celeste was piracy or mutiny.
It was suspected that the crew rebelled against the captain, murdered him and his family to seize the ship and the cargo. However, there were no signs of violence or looting on board, and the personal belongings of the crew were still present.
Cargo Explosion
Another theory suggests that a fire or explosion on board the Mary Celeste may have caused the crew to abandon ship.
Transporting flammable alcohol was dangerous, and there could have been a possible explosion. However, no trace of fire or explosion was found during the ship's investigation.
Natural Disasters and Human Error
Some believe that the crew of the Mary Celeste abandoned ship due to a natural disaster or a mistake by the captain. They might have believed the ship would sink and took to the lifeboat. Such a decision could have been triggered by a storm, water ingress, or a misjudgment of the ship's structure.
In this case, the lifeboat could have been lost, and the crew would have been left to their fate.
Yet, even this theory remains speculative, as no definitive evidence was found.
Supernatural Explanations
As the theories mentioned above do not provide satisfactory answers, some have considered supernatural reasons for the disappearance of the crew of the Mary Celeste.
Sea monsters, ghosts, or alien abductions are just a few of the imaginative explanations proposed over the years. Even though these ideas are fascinating, they naturally remain in the realm of fiction.
Investigations and Studies on the Mary Celeste
Over the years, numerous investigations and studies have been conducted to solve the mystery of the Mary Celeste. Here are some of the most notable investigations and scientific approaches that have contributed to the exploration of this mystery:
Official Investigations
Legal Investigation of 1873
The first official investigation took place in Gibraltar after the Mary Celeste was towed into port by the Dei Gratia. British authorities examined the ship to rule out piracy, mutiny, or insurance fraud. Although some irregularities were found, there was insufficient evidence of a crime, and the case was closed without definitive conclusions.
Scientific Studies and Analyses
Study on Alcohol Vapors by Brian Hicks (2006)
In a 2006 study, author Brian Hicks examined the possibility that alcohol vapors from the barrels aboard the Mary Celeste could have led to an explosion. His investigation suggests that the crew might have sought safety in the lifeboat due to fear of an explosion, inadvertently losing connection to the ship.
Stability Analysis by Dr. Andrea Sella (2007)
In 2007, Dr. Andrea Sella, a chemist at University College London, investigated the stability of the Mary Celeste. He concluded that the ship might have become unstable due to the alcohol-filled barrels, prompting the crew to abandon ship.
"The True Story of the Mary Celeste" (2007)
This British documentary presents various theories that could explain the crew's disappearance. It also explores the possibility of a seaquake leading to the loss of navigational equipment and panic aboard the ship.
"The Mary Celeste: Derelict of Fate" (2018)
This documentary examines the mystery of the Mary Celeste and features interviews with experts and historians. It delves into various theories, including the possibility of waterspouts severely damaging the ship.
The Mary Celeste in Literature and Film
The enigmatic story of the Mary Celeste has inspired numerous authors and filmmakers to base their works on the mystery of this abandoned ship.
Here are some of the most notable examples from literature and film dealing with the Mary Celeste.
Literary Works
"J. Habakuk Jephson's Statement" by Arthur Conan Doyle (1884)
One of the first literary mentions of the Mary Celeste can be found in this short story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes. The narrative is presented as a fictional report of the sole survivor of the Mary Celeste and provides an alternative version of events.
"The Ghost of the Mary Celeste" by Valerie Martin (2014)
In this novel, the mystery of the Mary Celeste is told from various perspectives, including that of Arthur Conan Doyle, who is involved in an investigation of the case. The novel interweaves historical facts with fictional elements and offers a thrilling interpretation of the mystery.
Films and Documentaries
"The Mystery of the Mary Celeste" (1935)
Also known as "Phantom Ship," this 1930s British film, released as "Phantom Ship" in the US, is one of the first films to address the Mary Celeste. The movie offers a dramatic interpretation of the events and presents a theory that hinges on mutiny and murder.
"The True Story of the Mary Celeste" (2007)
This Channel 5 documentary from the UK examines the mystery of the Mary Celeste and presents various theories that could explain the crew's baffling disappearance.
"Doctor Who" - Episode "The Chase" (1965)
In this classic episode of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, the Doctor lands on the Mary Celeste. The episode showcases the abandoned ship, and the TARDIS crew attempts to unravel the mystery behind the crew's disappearance.