Ouija Board - Communication with the Beyond
The Ouija board, also known as a witchboard, is a popular instrument for communicating with the afterlife. It is widely spread in pop culture and surrounded by myths and legends.
In this article, we'll delve deeper into the Ouija board and provide a step-by-step guide on its proper use.
Video: Why the Ouija board became so famous
What is an Ouija Board?
An Ouija board is a flat board with the letters of the alphabet, the numbers 0-9, and the words "Yes", "No", and "Goodbye". It's often used with a small heart-shaped piece, also known as a planchette, which moves across the board to spell out messages from spirits.
The History of the Ouija Board
The Ouija board originally became popular in the second half of the 19th century in America, a time when interest in spiritualism and communication with the spirit world was high. It was sold as a harmless toy and medium of entertainment, but many also believed in its ability to establish contact with the beyond.
Step-by-step Guide to Using the Ouija Board
Step 1: Preparation
Ensure you are in a quiet and undisturbed environment. Some people prefer to light candles or use incense to create a calm atmosphere.
Step 2: Invitation
Place your hands lightly on the planchette and invite friendly spirits to communicate. Be respectful and patient. It may take a few minutes for a response to come.
Step 3: Ask Questions
Start with simple questions that can be answered with a yes or no. Be respectful and avoid provocative or disrespectful questions.
Step 4: Reading the Messages
Observe the planchette's movements on the board. It can move to the letters and numbers to spell out messages or to the words Yes and No.
Step 5: Ending the Session
When you wish to end communication, thank the spirits for their time and move the planchette to the word "Goodbye". It's important to always end the session correctly.
Safety Aspects of Using the Ouija Board
Although the Ouija board is often viewed as a harmless toy, many believe that it actually has the potential to open doors to other dimensions.
Here are some safety precautions you should keep in mind:
Use the board with respect
Always treat the board and the spirits you're communicating with respect. Avoid negative or provocative questions and always remain polite.
Always end the session correctly
It's important to always end the communication session by moving the planchette to the word "Goodbye" and thanking the spirits for their time.
Be careful with the spirits you invite
Be cautious about who you invite for communication. It's best to only invite positive energies and avoid negative or harmful entities.
Final Thoughts
Whether you believe in the power of the Ouija board or not, it remains a fascinating part of our culture and history. It's a tool that many people use to seek answers to questions that would otherwise remain unreachable. But as with any tool, it's important to use it with respect and responsibility.
We hope this article has given you a detailed insight into the world of the Ouija board and helps you to use it in a safe and respectful manner. Remember to always be open to the possibilities but also be aware.